Friday, September 15, 2006

Physical Therapy 101....Mon & Thurs nites..ouchie!

Physical Therapy 101: well let's just say that 6 pm last night was my 2nd P.T. visit & I woke up with pain & aches at 2am this morning, moaning for my pain meds...My husband nudged me & blabbed out that I fell asleep at 11:00 & did'nt get my 11:30 dose of percoset...therefore..up at 2 am in a panic....took the pain med & very slowly,if at all, did I improve. I then woke up again at 4am to wander thru the house in pain.....I'm gonna wrestle my Physical Therapist, Aaron.........He seems like a very nice guy outside of his job & I know as he says, in the long run ,I'll be in great shape..but for now, he's killing me.....I told him I'd write about him in my blog...& so it is.....why can't we just walk, I ask him?? I like to walk...he says I need to do all these other exercises to rebound from this surgery....bend my legs this way & that, go on my sides, lift my legs...I'm gonna kill him! & why is there only about 3 people doing P.T. when I go in? It's empty in there so that means I have him watching my every move...40 on the left leg, 40 on the right..keep going......I can't take a break or cheat one time cause he's always there by my side..........Physical Therapy 101 hurts & is keeping me up at night...! May I please have the weekend to rest- no soccer or baseball games, just leave me home to rest, please!------ Ly


Anonymous said...

Lynne, I used to take a pain pill before I went, even if I didn't need it, this way I wouldn't have such pain after the PT person tortured me! My doctor mentioned it to me. Good luck...LYNN

Anonymous said...

I do not envy you. I have yet to begin real PT. Let Bill take the boys wherever they need to go this weekend. Prop yourself up in bed, put in a good movie, arm yourself with your grabber and have a well-deserved break. I, on the other hand, have a birthday thing for my husband tonight otherwise, I'd be doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I have great sympathy and will probably be doing the same things soon--I see my dr. Wed. for 8 wk post-op and am guessing that PT will be next.

Deb --Cakedec

Anonymous said...

Taking a pain pill prior is the best advice. Be glad your PT is challenging you Lynne. I just found out mine isn't and I've been using up my precious limited number of visits. UGH! Suzy