Sunday, June 11, 2006

what a week.......

This past week has been a trying one...My husband seemed to have caught a virius & had been having fevers every night this week... his highest had been mid-week, registering 104.8.. very scary to say the least. We got him to the Doctor's & he was given an antibiotic and he finlly seems somewhat better today. Lime disease crossed my mind so we shall keep an eye on it..
The thought did cross my mind that this poor guy is going to have a lot on his plate very soon & he needs to be as strong as he can to handle all that comes our way. It really gave me a reality check that I will be so dependent on him for a time....I think I'll start feeding him granola & sunflower seeds...they seem to be keeping me healthy.
So I decided to create a small collage of pictures to bring with me to the hospital this summer to keep my sanity. As I pulled out an old photo album from the top shelf of the closet, out fell a piece of folded paper.. I opened it up. It was typed. I got my glasses & started reading it..It was freaky! The first line said...I am a free woman today, no more brace! I was completely taken back. I don't remember ever writing anything about those years in my brace. Here was a typed paper filled on 2 sides with my feelings on ending my time in the Milwaukee Brace... It made me teary eyed.........again, the tears..right?? Oh well, nice ending to a rough week....
Maybe there really is a golden sun at the end of all this.............!

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