Friday, July 21, 2006

Crazy & out of breath

This week is just about over...& I am feeling good but a bit overwhelmed with all I wish I could accomplish....I'm pretty much out of breath & almost out of time... It's such a wierd, wacky feeling to know by August I will be in a hospital bed barely moving... all very strange...
I'm on the verge of something 'big' happening... so I'm getting butterflies in my stomach already...anticipation of the largest kind...I can feel it all building inside me now day by day...mostly good feelings, I think...
Several friends have called me to do dinner, or brunch so my days have gotten very busy. My sisters & mom have been in touch frequently to check on my 'condition'. I'm trying to enjoy all the attention but on the other hand, it makes me a bit queasy...ahhhhhhh! Why do I still think my sister will be dragging me into this Pre-op appointment... Drug me now..please.......'I wanna be sedated'-remember that one by the Ramones?? 20, 20, 24 hours to go......had to just play it on the computer right now...I better bookmark it & play it the night before.........


Anonymous said...

It's gonna be fine. You are gonna do great!


lynne said...

thks gals! Ly

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.