Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I had a visit yesterday from a good friend. As we sat in the backyard having our lunch, my hummingbirds made themselves known to her... She was amazed how close they came..we could almost touch them! She commented on how lovely my garden looked. I grinned... I explained I wanted the backyard as beautiful as it could be while I was recovering. I presently am making sure I have perennials that will bloom each month to keep the flowers coming.. The only flowers I still don't have & must are roses...I have time yet to find that special rose!
Honestly, After this week is over, I have 6 weeks or so left before surgery.. wow!!! I have now been trying to 'sit' more and relax.. kind of like a meditation state.. I never ever have been one to 'sit' so this is a new venture for me. I have always, like a lot of moms, been running with my boys.. Birthday parties, baseball games, & playdates fill our time.....shortly now, it will be time to take a brief 'time out' to reflect(when not in pain-ha,ha) on how wonderful life has been!!!
As I watched my little men get on the school bus this morning, I observed how they have grown this spring! They are handsome, happy, boys...they have beautiful spirits.. I am so thankful for them every day now, even if they did knock my spine off a bit!
Another friend came up to me last night at our baseball game & said she heard about my operation.. She is a cheery, up beat person, always smiling! She said "you will be so happy you did this", "you will be able to wear things you never could & feel so much better in the long run & your MEN will come thru for you with flying colors!" I smiled... as she continued, " you are in such good shape from chasing 2 boys around, you'll come thru this fine!" "You have a great surgeon"
WOW! As I walked away from her, I realized the power of positive thinking.. Surround yourself with positive energy! Luckily, the majority of my friends & family are that way! Even my 80 year old mom, who is scared out of her wits about this, stays least to me! I hate to have to put her thru this...but she is a strong woman who survived the Great Depression! She'll be ok!
Of course, as I get closer to this challenge, I will have my own fears, it's only natural...but then I think how fortunate I am to be going to an excellent hospital like HSS with an excellent surgeon & team by my side. Many a times now I think of the less fortunate in Africa, where my Surgeon & many others on his FOCOS team provide these operations for children & adults with the funds they have raised. Many wait so much longer than I for operations,& in way worse conditions. They need these operations so much more than I. They don't get to be in a plush world renowned NYC hospital with all the I. But... they do get my surgeon & his team if they are very lucky....
Makes all my complaints & whining seem so silly...& I hope that who's ever 'up there looking out for me', will remind me of that as I walk into HSS at 6am 'that morning'...Ly


Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne,
I finally caught up on your blog. I've been so busy with work & school-end activities. I am so looking forward to being off the next few weeks.
Yes, your men will come through for you,you will see! It sounds like you'll be in good hands at the hospital so try not to worry-yea, right??
see you soon,

ps. what kind of food do the guys like?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ya Lynne! Wow 6 weeks till your new life as a straight person begins! I am so excited for you. My 4 months since surgery has flown by & I feel like a new person. Keep your chin up and think only about all the wonderful things to come. Suzy

lynne said...

Suzy, Chris,
Just got back from my trip w/ mom& sisters & had a great time...although they would'nt let me go down the water slide(meanies)
Suzy---I'm getting NERVOUS!
& chris:I'm sure the guys will eat anythg you bring!!!!!