Thursday, April 27, 2006

I love San Fran....


lynne said...

my husband is into photography & mats a lot of his prints..Ly
I told him he'd better take me back to CA. when I'm all better...

Anonymous said...

I took a vacation to San Fran when I was 5 months post-op...what a beautiful place. In all my travels so far...San Fran remains my favorite! I took several unusual pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was foggy and you could only see a little of the bridge through the fog, then it was a little clearer and then it became very clear...all in a matter of minutes.

I hope you get to go there soon.

Kindest Regards,

lynne said...

thks Gail....I would love to go back to CA...maybe I'll tell my husband that's what I want after I get over this next hurdle...better yet how about France..Ly