Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Blue Team/Sacrum...Red/L5...

Would'nt it be cool if all the curved people that had been fixed & staightened could meet at say a..convention center & show there before & after slides up on a big screen??? They could show their scars...and..tell crazy morphine stories while pressing the 'happy' button. Oh & even better, each person could wear a color coded paper on their back to show # of vertabrae fused... like blue= to the sacrum
red= to L5
yellow= L4
oh,oh,oh & then everyone could break into discussion groups by Thoracic on one side of the room & Lumbar on the other...just...a ..crazy..thought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lynne you nut, that is so funny! I'm on the yellow team!! Keep your chin up and ask me all you need to be comforted. It's not as bad as some say. Suzy (10 weeks post-op now can you believe it?)