Wednesday, July 26, 2006

PRE-OP tomorrow......

Tomorrow is the first of 2 big days...Pre-op...
I feel like I've been bunkering down in my little home, safe & far from harm... I've been gardening & even put my white Christmas lights back on the arbor that leads to the backyard.. My husband rolled his eyes when he came home from work yesterday & saw my creative touch... When I come home from surgery, the days will definitely be getting noticeably shorter..even now they I want to look at my pretty lights & watch those crazy little hummingbirds...
I have been sleeping but only till 3am or so the last few nights.....then I snooze downstairs on the couch while watching info-mercials & Becker re-runs(Ted Danson)...makes me laugh...
I have been calm, though & busy enough these last few days so no tears or panic attacks! Perhaps the forces above have sedated my brain a bit already...
Hardest thing I see in the next few days will be leaving my boys with my sister. Who knows when I will see them....ahh they will be in great hands....& at this point they look at it with excitement, another vacation at the beach.... I have gone out of my way to make them secure with all of this & keep them carefree. It's just to hug them tight & say good will be the hardest part of all this....but I will rise to the occasion, I just know I will...............Ly


Anonymous said...


Sorry I missed you at Rachel's last night. If you had come earier I would have taken a ride over to see you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I have been praying for you since I saw you in the winter.

Have faith. I know you will be fine

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!